Dr. Raymond Rodriguez Negron, General Practitioner

Dr. Raymond Rodriguez Negron, General Practitioner

Medical Doctor

Dr. Raymond Rodriguez Negron is a General Practitioner, who was born and raised in Puerto Rico. In 2014, he graduated from “Universidad Central Del Sur” in the Dominican Republic where he finished at the top of his class being awarded with academic honors. After finishing medical school, Dr. Raymond Rodriguez pursued a rotational internship at “San Lucas Episcopal Hospital” in Ponce, Puerto Rico. There he trained and gained experience in general medicine, urgent care, and emergency medicine.

Dr. Raymond Rodriguez moved to Central Florida in 2017 to further pursue his career in medicine. He joined our practice since moving to Central Florida in 2017 and within a short period of time he has accomplished great success offering quality of care to his patients. During his free time he enjoys spending quality time with his wife and children. He is always reading medical journals to be up to date with the medical literature. It is that way that he keeps offering his patients valuable information on new and innovative ways of medical treatments.